Event Reporting

Event Item Report

Total Items


Item Counts

Name#∑ PriceAvg. Price
[Aer-Touched Cloth Gloves of Rouk]11111.00
[Aer-Touched Cloth Gloves of the Rouk]155.00
[Aer-Touched Leather Gloves of Rouk]155.00
[Aer-Touched Vanguard Gauntlets of Rouk]155.00
[Allyrian Chain Gauntlets of Malevolence]11010.00
[Allyrian Girdle of Trickery]2105.00
[Aurous Banishment Crux]14040.00
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]252339.32
[Belt of Bounding Breadth]155.00
[Belt of the Ironclad Titan]155.00
[Boots of the Judged]11515.00
[Chohnki Chain Gauntlets]6406.67
[Chohnki Cloth Gloves]8556.88
[Chohnki Leather Mitts]155.00
[Chohnki Plate Gauntlets]3155.00
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]1520113.40
[Cloak of the Chromon Titan]45012.50
[Cloak of the Vaashkaani Legion]24522.50
[Cuffs of the Judged]11010.00
[Earring of the Krayte Titan]6488.00
[Equestrian Liege's Souvenir]6467.67
[Eye of Chohnkanon]68814.67
[Fine Cloth Blouse of the Crushing Fall]7669.43
[Fine Cloth Cuffs of the Crushing Fall]4225.50
[Galeistria's Harnessed Light]69716.17
[Galeistria's Lucky Coin]26030.00
[Galeistria's Polished Peridot]25527.50
[Gilded Stud of Krayte Titan]11717.00
[Gilded Stud of the Krayte]155.00
[Gilded Stud of the Krayte Titan]6447.33
[Gloves of the Judged]11010.00
[Hippocampic Acuity Cloak]6325.33
[Hippocampic Clarity Chain Bracers]2126.00
[Hippocampic Clarity Cloak]1011811.80
[Hippocampic Clarity Cloth Cuffs]155.00
[Hippocampic Clarity Leather Cuffs]155.00
[Hippocampic Clarity Platemail Bracers]155.00
[Ironclasped Belt]141359.64
[Ironclasped Girdle]2115.50
[Mezkhuur's Effigy of the Equestrian Liege]155.00
[Necrotic Consumption II (Celestial)]177.00
[Pattern: Zimaran Nilborien's Barding of the Potent]155.00
[Pattern: Zimaran Nilborien's Breeching of Extended Fervor]155.00
[Pattern: Zimaran Nilborien's Saddle of Fervor]2105.00
[Pattern: Zimaran Nilborien's Stirrups of Ability]155.00
[Petrified Jum Jum Roll]4266.50
[Polihed soverign stud ]11010.00
[Polished Sovereign Stud]252259.00
[Raid Rune: Empowered I]2105.00
[Raid Rune: Empowered II]155.00
[Raid Rune: Empowered III]155.00
[Raid Rune: Uncaged Rage I]11010.00
[Rouk's Dangling Gemstones]26030.00
[Shroud of the Chromon Titan]2105.00
[Shroud of the Chronomon Titan]155.00
[Signet Earstud of Rouk]48421.00
[Silverfur Chestguard of the Crushing Fall]12020.00
[Silverfur Cuffs of the Crushing Fall]7395.57
[Silverfur Tunic of the Crushing Fall]3196.33
[Silverlinked Bracers of the Crushing Fall]66210.33
[Silverlinked Chestguard of the Crushing Fall]33411.33
[Spectrum-Hued Chain Spaulders of the Delves]23517.50
[Spectrum-Hued Cloth Shoulderpads of the Delves]155.00
[Spectrum-Hued Leather Armwraps of the Delves]2157.50
[Spectrum-Hued Leather Boots of the Delves]155.00
[Spectrum-Hued Leather Footwraps of the Delves]155.00
[Spectrum-Hued Mantle of the Delves]2126.00
[Spectrum-Hued Platemail Pauldrons of the Delves]155.00
[Spectrum-Hued Sabatons of the Delves]155.00
[Spectrum-Hued Sandals of the Delves]2115.50
[Spectrum-Hued Shoes of the Delves]155.00
[Spectrum-Hued Tonlets of the Delves]2105.00
[Telluric Rending II (Celestial)]155.00
[Vanguard Bracers of the Crushing Fall]3155.00
[Vanguard Cuirass of the Crushing Fall]4205.00
[Vibrant Chain Boots of the Breadth]3165.33
[Vibrant Chain Bracers of the Judged]8445.50
[Vibrant Chain bracers of the judged (for nekilova)]155.00
[Vibrant Chain Gauntlets of the Judged]8516.38
[Vibrant Chain Greaves of the Judged]9455.00
[Vibrant Chain Legguards of the Delves]155.00
[Vibrant Chain Mantle of the Judged]10636.30
[Vibrant Chainmail Boots of the Breadth]2136.50
[Vibrant Chainmail Boots of the Judged]78311.86
[Vibrant Chainmail Bracers of the Judged]6315.17
[Vibrant Chainmail Gauntlets of the Labyrinth]33511.67
[Vibrant Chainmail Greaves of the Judged]8455.63
[Vibrant Chainmail Hauberk of the Delves]155.00
[Vibrant Chainmail Spaulders of the Breadth]3155.00
[Vibrant Chestguard of the Delves]3206.67
[Vibrant Cloth Cuffs of the Judged]3155.00
[Vibrant Cloth Gloves of the Labyrinth]3175.67
[Vibrant Cloth Mitts of the Judged]6345.67
[Vibrant Cloth Pantaloons of the Judged]7415.86
[Vibrant Cloth Pants of the Judged]4256.25
[Vibrant Cloth Sandals of the Breadth]3155.00
[Vibrant Cuirass of the Delves]2105.00
[Vibrant Girdle of the Krayte Titan]10888.80
[Vibrant Krayte Wrap]1112111.00
[Vibrant Leather Boots of the Breadth]2105.00
[Vibrant Leather Boots of the Judged]2157.50
[Vibrant Leather Bracers of the Judged]3165.33
[Vibrant Leather Chestwrap of the Delves]155.00
[Vibrant Leather Footwraps of the Breadth]3155.00
[Vibrant Leather Gloves of the Labyrinth]4205.00
[Vibrant Leather Handwraps of the Judged]9455.00
[Vibrant Leather Handwraps of the Labyrinth]155.00
[Vibrant Leather Leggings of the Judged]2105.00
[Vibrant Leather Legwraps of the Delves]155.00
[Vibrant Leather Legwraps of the Judged]6355.83
[Vibrant Leather Mantle of the Judged]4205.00
[Vibrant Leather Shoulders of the Judged]166.00
[Vibrant Leather Wraps of the Judged]155.00
[Vibrant Leather Wristwraps of the Judged]2105.00
[Vibrant mantle of the breadth]155.00
[Vibrant Plate Greaves of the Judged]4205.00
[Vibrant Plate Legplates of the Judged]5255.00
[Vibrant Platemail Bracers ]155.00
[Vibrant Platemail Bracers of the Delves]155.00
[Vibrant Platemail Bracers of the Judged]3155.00
[Vibrant Platemail Cuffs of the Judged]2105.00
[Vibrant Platemail Gauntlets of the Judged]3155.00
[Vibrant Platemail Greaves of the Delves]155.00
[Vibrant Platemail Handguards of the Labyrinth]155.00
[Vibrant Platemail Pauldrons of the Judged]5255.00
[Vibrant Platemail Sabatons of the Breadth]155.00
[Vibrant Platemail Sabatons of the Judged]2105.00
[Vibrant Platemail Spaulders of the Breadth]155.00
[Vibrant Platemail Tonlets of the Breadth]5255.00
[Vibrant Robes of the Delves]155.00
[Vibrant Sewn Gloves of the Labyrinth]2105.00
[Vibrant Shawl of the Breadth]2105.00
[Vibrant Shawl of the Judged]7415.86
[Vibrant Shoes of the Judged]77110.14
[Vibrant Spun Cuffs of the Judged]6406.67
[Wrap of Bounding Beadth]177.00
[Wrap of Bounding Breadth]4205.00
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Aura of Wisdom]155.00
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Balanced Aggression]155.00
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Building Furor]155.00
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Gleeful Ire]177.00
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Glory]11010.00
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Mana Sprinkles]155.00
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Soul Shiver]155.00

All Items

Item NamePriceClassWinner
[Aer-Touched Cloth Gloves of Rouk]11Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Aer-Touched Cloth Gloves of the Rouk]5Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Aer-Touched Leather Gloves of Rouk]5Channeler ChannelerCycorat
[Aer-Touched Vanguard Gauntlets of Rouk]5Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Allyrian Chain Gauntlets of Malevolence]10Brigand BrigandTopo
[Allyrian Girdle of Trickery]5Beastlord BeastlordTailon
[Allyrian Girdle of Trickery]5Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Aurous Banishment Crux]40Brigand BrigandTopo
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Beastlord BeastlordTailon
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]16Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]6Wizard WizardQuantum
[Aurous' banishment crux ]10Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]11Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]15Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Illusionist IllusionistIllzzz
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]35Ranger RangerWinnetaska
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]13Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]15Channeler ChannelerCycorat
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Warlock WarlockDraks
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Ranger RangerGinen
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Mystic MysticMomosa
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Jingxie
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]15Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Mystic MysticEldamari
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]12Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]5Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Aurous' Banishment Crux]15Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Belt of Bounding Breadth]5Ranger RangerGinen
[Belt of the Ironclad Titan]5Guardian GuardianGibor
[Boots of the Judged]15Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Chohnki Chain Gauntlets]5Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Chohnki Chain Gauntlets]9Wizard WizardQuantum
[Chohnki Chain Gauntlets]5Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Chohnki Chain Gauntlets]7Mystic MysticMomosa
[Chohnki Chain Gauntlets]7Ranger RangerWinnetaska
[Chohnki Chain Gauntlets]7Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Chohnki Cloth Gloves]5Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Chohnki Cloth Gloves]5Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Chohnki Cloth Gloves]6Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Chohnki Cloth Gloves]8Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Chohnki Cloth Gloves]11Illusionist IllusionistIllzzz
[Chohnki Cloth Gloves]5Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Chohnki Cloth Gloves]10Wizard WizardQuantum
[Chohnki Cloth Gloves]5Warlock WarlockDraks
[Chohnki Leather Mitts]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Chohnki Plate Gauntlets]5Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Chohnki Plate Gauntlets]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Chohnki Plate Gauntlets]5Guardian GuardianGibor
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]13Mystic MysticEldamari
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]16Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]8Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]8Mystic MysticMomosa
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]35Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]5Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]12Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]9Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]11Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]15Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]18Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]22Warlock WarlockDraks
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]12Ranger RangerWinnetaska
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]6Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Cloak of Mountainous Crystals]11Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Cloak of the Chromon Titan]18Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Cloak of the Chromon Titan]14Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Cloak of the Chromon Titan]11Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Cloak of the Chromon Titan]7Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Cloak of the Vaashkaani Legion]25Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Cloak of the Vaashkaani Legion]20Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Cuffs of the Judged]10Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Earring of the Krayte Titan]7Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Earring of the Krayte Titan]5Brigand BrigandTopo
[Earring of the Krayte Titan]5Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Earring of the Krayte Titan]5Ranger RangerGinen
[Earring of the Krayte Titan]15Ranger RangerWinnetaska
[Earring of the Krayte Titan]11Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Equestrian Liege's Souvenir]6Defiler DefilerElviradanger
[Equestrian Liege's Souvenir]11Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Equestrian Liege's Souvenir]5Guardian GuardianGibor
[Equestrian Liege's Souvenir]12Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Equestrian Liege's Souvenir]5Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Equestrian Liege's Souvenir]7Brigand BrigandTopo
[Eye of Chohnkanon]12Fury FuryTurbulence
[Eye of Chohnkanon]11Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Eye of Chohnkanon]20Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Eye of Chohnkanon]20Mystic MysticMomosa
[Eye of Chohnkanon]5Ranger RangerWinnetaska
[Eye of Chohnkanon]20Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Fine Cloth Blouse of the Crushing Fall]6Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Fine Cloth Blouse of the Crushing Fall]5Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Fine Cloth Blouse of the Crushing Fall]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Fine Cloth Blouse of the Crushing Fall]10Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Fine Cloth Blouse of the Crushing Fall]26Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Fine Cloth Blouse of the Crushing Fall]5Warlock WarlockDraks
[Fine Cloth Blouse of the Crushing Fall]9Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Fine Cloth Cuffs of the Crushing Fall]5Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Fine Cloth Cuffs of the Crushing Fall]5Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Fine Cloth Cuffs of the Crushing Fall]7Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Fine Cloth Cuffs of the Crushing Fall]5Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Galeistria's Harnessed Light]26Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Galeistria's Harnessed Light]17Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Galeistria's Harnessed Light]12Defiler DefilerElviradanger
[Galeistria's Harnessed Light]10Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Galeistria's Harnessed Light]15Mystic MysticEldamari
[Galeistria's Harnessed Light]17Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Galeistria's Lucky Coin]35Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Galeistria's Lucky Coin]25Warlock WarlockDraks
[Galeistria's Polished Peridot]30Brigand BrigandTopo
[Galeistria's Polished Peridot]25Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Gilded Stud of Krayte Titan]17Beastlord BeastlordTailon
[Gilded Stud of the Krayte]5Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Gilded Stud of the Krayte Titan]5Brigand BrigandTopo
[Gilded Stud of the Krayte Titan]6Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Gilded Stud of the Krayte Titan]11Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Gilded Stud of the Krayte Titan]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Gilded Stud of the Krayte Titan]10Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Gilded Stud of the Krayte Titan]7Jingxie
[Gloves of the Judged]10Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Hippocampic Acuity Cloak]5Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Hippocampic Acuity Cloak]5Defiler DefilerElviradanger
[Hippocampic Acuity Cloak]5Ranger RangerGinen
[Hippocampic Acuity Cloak]5Mystic MysticMomosa
[Hippocampic Acuity Cloak]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Hippocampic Acuity Cloak]7Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Hippocampic Clarity Chain Bracers]6Defiler DefilerElviradanger
[Hippocampic Clarity Chain Bracers]6Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Hippocampic Clarity Cloak]5Fury FuryTurbulence
[Hippocampic Clarity Cloak]20Wizard WizardQuantum
[Hippocampic Clarity Cloak]5Illusionist IllusionistIllzzz
[Hippocampic Clarity Cloak]5Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Hippocampic Clarity Cloak]5Beastlord BeastlordTailon
[Hippocampic Clarity Cloak]5Dirge DirgeJingo
[Hippocampic Clarity Cloak]12Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Hippocampic Clarity Cloak]21Wizard WizardQuantum
[Hippocampic Clarity Cloak]20Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Hippocampic Clarity Cloak]20Channeler ChannelerCycorat
[Hippocampic Clarity Cloth Cuffs]5Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Hippocampic Clarity Leather Cuffs]5Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Hippocampic Clarity Platemail Bracers]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Ironclasped Belt]7Mystic MysticEldamari
[Ironclasped Belt]17Brigand BrigandTopo
[Ironclasped Belt]7Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Ironclasped Belt]16Warlock WarlockDraks
[Ironclasped Belt]10Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Ironclasped Belt]6Fury FuryTurbulence
[Ironclasped Belt]6Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Ironclasped Belt]6Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Ironclasped Belt]9Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Ironclasped Belt]5Mystic MysticMomosa
[Ironclasped Belt]15Mystic MysticEldamari
[Ironclasped Belt]5Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Ironclasped Belt]15Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Ironclasped Belt]11Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Ironclasped Girdle]6Defiler DefilerElviradanger
[Ironclasped Girdle]5Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Mezkhuur's Effigy of the Equestrian Liege]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Necrotic Consumption II (Celestial)]7Warlock WarlockDraks
[Pattern: Zimaran Nilborien's Barding of the Potent]5Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Pattern: Zimaran Nilborien's Breeching of Extended Fervor]5Warlock WarlockDraks
[Pattern: Zimaran Nilborien's Saddle of Fervor]5Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Pattern: Zimaran Nilborien's Saddle of Fervor]5Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Pattern: Zimaran Nilborien's Stirrups of Ability]5Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Petrified Jum Jum Roll]5Illusionist IllusionistIllzzz
[Petrified Jum Jum Roll]10Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Petrified Jum Jum Roll]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Petrified Jum Jum Roll]6Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Polihed soverign stud ]10Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Polished Sovereign Stud]14Beastlord BeastlordTailon
[Polished Sovereign Stud]5Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Polished Sovereign Stud]7Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Polished Sovereign Stud]15Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Polished Sovereign Stud]10Brigand BrigandTopo
[Polished Sovereign Stud]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Polished Sovereign Stud]12Mystic MysticMomosa
[Polished Sovereign Stud]5Wizard WizardQuantum
[Polished Sovereign Stud]7Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Polished Sovereign Stud]10Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Polished Sovereign Stud]5Illusionist IllusionistIllzzz
[Polished Sovereign Stud]7Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Polished Sovereign Stud]15Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Polished Sovereign Stud]5Mystic MysticEldamari
[Polished Sovereign Stud]8Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Polished Sovereign Stud]5Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Polished Sovereign Stud]13Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Polished Sovereign Stud]6Warden WardenMilaow
[Polished Sovereign Stud]5Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Polished Sovereign Stud]25Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Polished Sovereign Stud]11Fury FuryTurbulence
[Polished Sovereign Stud]5Jingxie
[Polished Sovereign Stud]15Warlock WarlockDraks
[Polished Sovereign Stud]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Polished Sovereign Stud]5Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Raid Rune: Empowered I]5Brigand BrigandTopo
[Raid Rune: Empowered I]5Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Raid Rune: Empowered II]5Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Raid Rune: Empowered III]5Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Raid Rune: Uncaged Rage I]10Warlock WarlockDraks
[Rouk's Dangling Gemstones]35Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Rouk's Dangling Gemstones]25Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Shroud of the Chromon Titan]5Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Shroud of the Chromon Titan]5Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Shroud of the Chronomon Titan]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Signet Earstud of Rouk]20Jingxie
[Signet Earstud of Rouk]21Ranger RangerWinnetaska
[Signet Earstud of Rouk]13Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Signet Earstud of Rouk]30Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Silverfur Chestguard of the Crushing Fall]20Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Silverfur Cuffs of the Crushing Fall]7Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Silverfur Cuffs of the Crushing Fall]5Mystic MysticEldamari
[Silverfur Cuffs of the Crushing Fall]5Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Silverfur Cuffs of the Crushing Fall]5Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Silverfur Cuffs of the Crushing Fall]5Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Silverfur Cuffs of the Crushing Fall]7Channeler ChannelerCycorat
[Silverfur Cuffs of the Crushing Fall]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Silverfur Tunic of the Crushing Fall]9Warden WardenMilaow
[Silverfur Tunic of the Crushing Fall]5Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Silverfur Tunic of the Crushing Fall]5Fury FuryTurbulence
[Silverlinked Bracers of the Crushing Fall]5Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Silverlinked Bracers of the Crushing Fall]20Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Silverlinked Bracers of the Crushing Fall]5Beastlord BeastlordTailon
[Silverlinked Bracers of the Crushing Fall]5Fury FuryTurbulence
[Silverlinked Bracers of the Crushing Fall]11Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Silverlinked Bracers of the Crushing Fall]16Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Silverlinked Chestguard of the Crushing Fall]5Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Silverlinked Chestguard of the Crushing Fall]19Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Silverlinked Chestguard of the Crushing Fall]10Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Spectrum-Hued Chain Spaulders of the Delves]20Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Spectrum-Hued Chain Spaulders of the Delves]15Beastlord BeastlordTailon
[Spectrum-Hued Cloth Shoulderpads of the Delves]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Spectrum-Hued Leather Armwraps of the Delves]10Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Spectrum-Hued Leather Armwraps of the Delves]5Channeler ChannelerCycorat
[Spectrum-Hued Leather Boots of the Delves]5Fury FurySashafierce
[Spectrum-Hued Leather Footwraps of the Delves]5Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Spectrum-Hued Mantle of the Delves]5Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Spectrum-Hued Mantle of the Delves]7Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Spectrum-Hued Platemail Pauldrons of the Delves]5Guardian GuardianGibor
[Spectrum-Hued Sabatons of the Delves]5Guardian GuardianGibor
[Spectrum-Hued Sandals of the Delves]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Spectrum-Hued Sandals of the Delves]6Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Spectrum-Hued Shoes of the Delves]5Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Spectrum-Hued Tonlets of the Delves]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Spectrum-Hued Tonlets of the Delves]5Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Telluric Rending II (Celestial)]5Brigand BrigandTopo
[Vanguard Bracers of the Crushing Fall]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Vanguard Bracers of the Crushing Fall]5Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Vanguard Bracers of the Crushing Fall]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Vanguard Cuirass of the Crushing Fall]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Vanguard Cuirass of the Crushing Fall]5Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Vanguard Cuirass of the Crushing Fall]5Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Vanguard Cuirass of the Crushing Fall]5Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Vibrant Chain Boots of the Breadth]5Defiler DefilerElviradanger
[Vibrant Chain Boots of the Breadth]5Ranger RangerGinen
[Vibrant Chain Boots of the Breadth]6Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Vibrant Chain Bracers of the Judged]5Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Vibrant Chain Bracers of the Judged]8Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Vibrant Chain Bracers of the Judged]5Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Vibrant Chain Bracers of the Judged]5Mystic MysticEldamari
[Vibrant Chain Bracers of the Judged]5Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Vibrant Chain Bracers of the Judged]6Brigand BrigandTopo
[Vibrant Chain Bracers of the Judged]5Mystic MysticMomosa
[Vibrant Chain Bracers of the Judged]5Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Vibrant Chain bracers of the judged (for nekilova)]5Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Vibrant Chain Gauntlets of the Judged]10Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Vibrant Chain Gauntlets of the Judged]5Brigand BrigandTopo
[Vibrant Chain Gauntlets of the Judged]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Vibrant Chain Gauntlets of the Judged]10Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Vibrant Chain Gauntlets of the Judged]6Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Vibrant Chain Gauntlets of the Judged]5Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Vibrant Chain Gauntlets of the Judged]5Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Vibrant Chain Gauntlets of the Judged]5Beastlord BeastlordTailon
[Vibrant Chain Greaves of the Judged]5Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Vibrant Chain Greaves of the Judged]5Brigand BrigandTopo
[Vibrant Chain Greaves of the Judged]5Beastlord BeastlordTailon
[Vibrant Chain Greaves of the Judged]5Mystic MysticMomosa
[Vibrant Chain Greaves of the Judged]5Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Vibrant Chain Greaves of the Judged]5Assassin AssassinNekilova
[Vibrant Chain Greaves of the Judged]5Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Vibrant Chain Greaves of the Judged]5Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Vibrant Chain Greaves of the Judged]5Ranger RangerGinen
[Vibrant Chain Legguards of the Delves]5Defiler DefilerElviradanger
[Vibrant Chain Mantle of the Judged]5Beastlord BeastlordTailon
[Vibrant Chain Mantle of the Judged]5Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Vibrant Chain Mantle of the Judged]5Jingxie
[Vibrant Chain Mantle of the Judged]6Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Vibrant Chain Mantle of the Judged]6Ranger RangerWinnetaska
[Vibrant Chain Mantle of the Judged]5Brigand BrigandTopo
[Vibrant Chain Mantle of the Judged]5Brigand BrigandTopo
[Vibrant Chain Mantle of the Judged]16Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Vibrant Chain Mantle of the Judged]5Wizard WizardQuantum
[Vibrant Chain Mantle of the Judged]5Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Vibrant Chainmail Boots of the Breadth]8Ranger RangerWinnetaska
[Vibrant Chainmail Boots of the Breadth]5Wizard WizardQuantum
[Vibrant chainmail boots of the judged]15Brigand BrigandTopo
[Vibrant Chainmail Boots of the Judged]26Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Vibrant Chainmail Boots of the Judged]6Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Vibrant Chainmail Boots of the Judged]21Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Vibrant Chainmail Boots of the Judged]5Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Vibrant Chainmail Boots of the Judged]5Mystic MysticEldamari
[Vibrant Chainmail Boots of the Judged]5Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Vibrant Chainmail Bracers of the Judged]6Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Vibrant Chainmail Bracers of the Judged]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Vibrant Chainmail Bracers of the Judged]5Wizard WizardQuantum
[Vibrant Chainmail Bracers of the Judged]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Vibrant Chainmail Bracers of the Judged]5Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Vibrant Chainmail Bracers of the Judged]5Beastlord BeastlordTailon
[Vibrant Chainmail Gauntlets of the Labyrinth]10Beastlord BeastlordTailon
[Vibrant Chainmail Gauntlets of the Labyrinth]15Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Vibrant Chainmail Gauntlets of the Labyrinth]10Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Vibrant Chainmail Greaves of the Judged]5Ranger RangerWinnetaska
[Vibrant Chainmail Greaves of the Judged]10Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Vibrant Chainmail Greaves of the Judged]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Vibrant Chainmail Greaves of the Judged]5Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Vibrant Chainmail Greaves of the Judged]5Brigand BrigandTopo
[Vibrant Chainmail Greaves of the Judged]5Wizard WizardQuantum
[Vibrant Chainmail Greaves of the Judged]5Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Vibrant Chainmail Greaves of the Judged]5Ranger RangerGinen
[Vibrant Chainmail Hauberk of the Delves]5Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Vibrant Chainmail Spaulders of the Breadth]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Vibrant Chainmail Spaulders of the Breadth]5Defiler DefilerElviradanger
[Vibrant Chainmail Spaulders of the Breadth]5Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Vibrant Chestguard of the Delves]5Defiler DefilerElviradanger
[Vibrant Chestguard of the Delves]10Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Vibrant Chestguard of the Delves]5Mystic MysticEldamari
[Vibrant Cloth Cuffs of the Judged]5Illusionist IllusionistIllzzz
[Vibrant Cloth Cuffs of the Judged]5Coercer CoercerSatynn
[vibrant cloth cuffs of the judged]5Illusionist IllusionistIllzzz
[Vibrant Cloth Gloves of the Labyrinth]5Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Vibrant Cloth Gloves of the Labyrinth]7Illusionist IllusionistIllzzz
[Vibrant Cloth Gloves of the Labyrinth]5Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Vibrant Cloth Mitts of the Judged]5Warlock WarlockDraks
[Vibrant Cloth Mitts of the Judged]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Vibrant Cloth Mitts of the Judged]7Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Vibrant Cloth Mitts of the Judged]5Wizard WizardQuantum
[Vibrant Cloth Mitts of the Judged]5Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Vibrant Cloth Mitts of the Judged]7Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Vibrant Cloth Pantaloons of the Judged]6Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Vibrant Cloth Pantaloons of the Judged]7Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Vibrant Cloth Pantaloons of the Judged]7Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Vibrant Cloth Pantaloons of the Judged]5Illusionist IllusionistIllzzz
[Vibrant Cloth Pantaloons of the Judged]5Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Vibrant Cloth Pantaloons of the Judged]6Wizard WizardQuantum
[Vibrant Cloth Pantaloons of the Judged]5Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Vibrant Cloth Pants of the Judged]5Ranger RangerGinen
[Vibrant Cloth Pants of the Judged]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Vibrant Cloth Pants of the Judged]5Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Vibrant Cloth Pants of the Judged]10Warlock WarlockDraks
[Vibrant Cloth Sandals of the Breadth]5Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Vibrant Cloth Sandals of the Breadth]5Warlock WarlockDraks
[Vibrant Cloth Sandals of the Breadth]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Vibrant Cuirass of the Delves]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Vibrant Cuirass of the Delves]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Vibrant Girdle of the Krayte Titan]5Illusionist IllusionistIllzzz
[Vibrant Girdle of the Krayte Titan]12Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Vibrant Girdle of the Krayte Titan]7Swashbuckler SwashbucklerDreadtyger
[Vibrant Girdle of the Krayte Titan]25Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Vibrant Girdle of the Krayte Titan]6Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Vibrant Girdle of the Krayte Titan]7Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Vibrant Girdle of the Krayte Titan]5Channeler ChannelerCycorat
[Vibrant Girdle of the Krayte Titan]9Warden WardenMilaow
[Vibrant Girdle of the Krayte Titan]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Vibrant Girdle of the Krayte Titan]7Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Vibrant Krayte Wrap]7Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Vibrant Krayte Wrap]20Mystic MysticMomosa
[Vibrant Krayte Wrap]25Defiler DefilerAshnak
[Vibrant Krayte Wrap]5Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Vibrant Krayte Wrap]5Mystic MysticEldamari
[Vibrant Krayte Wrap]15Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Vibrant Krayte Wrap]5Jingxie
[Vibrant Krayte Wrap]12Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Vibrant Krayte Wrap]17Ranger RangerWinnetaska
[Vibrant Krayte Wrap]5Wizard WizardQuantum
[Vibrant Krayte Wrap]5Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Vibrant Leather Boots of the Breadth]5Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Vibrant Leather Boots of the Breadth]5Fury FuryTurbulence
[Vibrant Leather Boots of the Judged]5Channeler ChannelerCycorat
[Vibrant Leather Boots of the Judged]10Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Vibrant Leather Bracers of the Judged]5Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Vibrant Leather Bracers of the Judged]5Fury FuryTurbulence
[Vibrant Leather Bracers of the Judged]6Warden WardenMilaow
[Vibrant Leather Chestwrap of the Delves]5Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Vibrant Leather Footwraps of the Breadth]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Vibrant Leather Footwraps of the Breadth]5Ranger RangerGinen
[Vibrant Leather Footwraps of the Breadth]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Vibrant Leather Gloves of the Labyrinth]5Fury FurySashafierce
[Vibrant Leather Gloves of the Labyrinth]5Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Vibrant Leather Gloves of the Labyrinth]5Guardian GuardianGibor
[Vibrant Leather Gloves of the Labyrinth]5Channeler ChannelerCycorat
[Vibrant Leather Handwraps of the Judged]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Vibrant Leather Handwraps of the Judged]5Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Vibrant Leather Handwraps of the Judged]5Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Vibrant Leather Handwraps of the Judged]5Fury FuryTurbulence
[Vibrant Leather Handwraps of the Judged]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Vibrant Leather Handwraps of the Judged]5Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Vibrant Leather Handwraps of the Judged]5Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Vibrant Leather Handwraps of the Judged]5Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Vibrant Leather Handwraps of the Judged]5Channeler ChannelerCycorat
[Vibrant Leather Handwraps of the Labyrinth]5Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Vibrant Leather Leggings of the Judged]5Ranger RangerGinen
[Vibrant Leather Leggings of the Judged]5Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Vibrant Leather Legwraps of the Delves]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Vibrant Leather Legwraps of the Judged]5Channeler ChannelerCycorat
[Vibrant Leather Legwraps of the Judged]5Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Vibrant Leather Legwraps of the Judged]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Vibrant Leather Legwraps of the Judged]10Fury FuryTurbulence
[Vibrant Leather Legwraps of the Judged]5Swashbuckler SwashbucklerRagingdagger
[Vibrant Leather Legwraps of the Judged]5Ranger RangerGinen
[Vibrant Leather Mantle of the Judged]5Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Vibrant Leather Mantle of the Judged]5Fury FuryTurbulence
[Vibrant Leather Mantle of the Judged]5Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Vibrant Leather Mantle of the Judged]5Channeler ChannelerCycorat
[Vibrant Leather Shoulders of the Judged]6Warden WardenMilaow
[Vibrant Leather Wraps of the Judged]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Vibrant Leather Wristwraps of the Judged]5Warden WardenMilaow
[Vibrant Leather Wristwraps of the Judged]5Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Vibrant mantle of the breadth]5Illusionist IllusionistIllzzz
[Vibrant Plate Greaves of the Judged]5Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Vibrant Plate Greaves of the Judged]5Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Vibrant Plate Greaves of the Judged]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Vibrant Plate Greaves of the Judged]5Warlock WarlockDraks
[Vibrant Plate Legplates of the Judged]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Vibrant Plate Legplates of the Judged]5Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Vibrant Plate Legplates of the Judged]5Mystic MysticMomosa
[Vibrant Plate Legplates of the Judged]5Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Vibrant Plate Legplates of the Judged]5Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Vibrant Platemail Bracers ]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Vibrant Platemail Bracers of the Delves]5Guardian GuardianGibor
[Vibrant Platemail Bracers of the Judged]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Vibrant Platemail Bracers of the Judged]5Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Vibrant Platemail Bracers of the Judged]5Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Vibrant Platemail Cuffs of the Judged]5Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Vibrant Platemail Cuffs of the Judged]5Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Vibrant Platemail Gauntlets of the Judged]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Vibrant Platemail Gauntlets of the Judged]5Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Vibrant Platemail Gauntlets of the Judged]5Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Vibrant Platemail Greaves of the Delves]5Guardian GuardianGibor
[Vibrant Platemail Handguards of the Labyrinth]5Guardian GuardianGibor
[Vibrant Platemail Pauldrons of the Judged]5Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Vibrant Platemail Pauldrons of the Judged]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Vibrant Platemail Pauldrons of the Judged]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Vibrant Platemail Pauldrons of the Judged]5Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Vibrant Platemail Pauldrons of the Judged]5Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Vibrant Platemail Sabatons of the Breadth]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Vibrant Platemail Sabatons of the Judged]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Vibrant Platemail Sabatons of the Judged]5Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Vibrant Platemail Spaulders of the Breadth]5Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Vibrant Platemail Tonlets of the Breadth]5Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Vibrant Platemail Tonlets of the Breadth]5Dirge DirgeSevenowt
[Vibrant Platemail Tonlets of the Breadth]5Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Vibrant Platemail Tonlets of the Breadth]5Berserker BerserkerRedmondz
[Vibrant Platemail Tonlets of the Breadth]5Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Vibrant Robes of the Delves]5Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Vibrant Sewn Gloves of the Labyrinth]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Vibrant Sewn Gloves of the Labyrinth]5Troubador TroubadorBoloh
[Vibrant Shawl of the Breadth]5Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Vibrant Shawl of the Breadth]5Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Vibrant Shawl of the Judged]6Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Vibrant Shawl of the Judged]5Beastlord BeastlordKonkreth
[Vibrant Shawl of the Judged]5Warlock WarlockDraks
[Vibrant Shawl of the Judged]5Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Vibrant Shawl of the Judged]5Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Vibrant Shawl of the Judged]10Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Vibrant Shawl of the Judged]5Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Vibrant Shoes of the Judged]5Warlock WarlockDraks
[Vibrant Shoes of the Judged]11Necromancer NecromancerBillybones
[Vibrant Shoes of the Judged]5Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Vibrant Shoes of the Judged]5Coercer CoercerIxxi
[Vibrant Shoes of the Judged]24Wizard WizardQuantum
[Vibrant Shoes of the Judged]5Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Vibrant Shoes of the Judged]16Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Vibrant Spun Cuffs of the Judged]5Mystic MysticMomosa
[Vibrant Spun Cuffs of the Judged]10Necromancer NecromancerIbdead
[Vibrant Spun Cuffs of the Judged]5Coercer CoercerSatynn
[Vibrant SPun Cuffs of the Judged]10Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Vibrant Spun Cuffs of the Judged]5Warlock WarlockDraks
[Vibrant Spun Cuffs of the Judged]5Conjuror ConjurorBedazzle
[Wrap of Bounding Beadth]7Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Wrap of Bounding Breadth]5Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Wrap of Bounding Breadth]5Beastlord BeastlordTailon
[Wrap of Bounding Breadth]5Shadowknight ShadowknightBushami
[Wrap of Bounding Breadth]5Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Aura of Wisdom]5Channeler ChannelerTekkah
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Balanced Aggression]5Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Building Furor]5Monk MonkBoundfeet
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Gleeful Ire]7Coercer CoercerMindforce
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Glory]10Inquisitor InquisitorPillen
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Mana Sprinkles]5Mystic MysticGutterfly
[Zimaran Rune: Nilborien's Soul Shiver]5Mystic MysticGutterfly

Items by Class

#∑ PriceAvg. PriceClass
155.00Assassin Assassin
322919.09Beastlord Beastlord
261676.42Berserker Berserker
1718010.59Brigand Brigand
302157.17Channeler Channeler
564137.38Coercer Coercer
151429.47Conjuror Conjuror
231727.48Defiler Defiler
151419.40Dirge Dirge
13846.46Fury Fury
9455.00Guardian Guardian
11635.73Illusionist Illusionist
15996.60Inquisitor Inquisitor
141309.29Monk Monk
413779.20Mystic Mystic
362206.11Necromancer Necromancer
211868.86Ranger Ranger
151187.87Shadowknight Shadowknight
3335610.79Swashbuckler Swashbuckler
141077.64Troubador Troubador
191065.58Warden Warden
171559.12Warlock Warlock
141319.36Wizard Wizard
No FB Yes FB Hand (smaller) Lap 40.063em Desk 64.063em Wall 90.063em